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The Witches of Culross

The Witches of Culross was inspired by the true story of a mother and daughter who were accused of witchcraft in 17th-Century Scotland.

The book is a weaving of historical fact and fiction that tells the story of a mother and daughter from a small Scottish town, with the curse of second sight running through their salty veins. It is an inky cauldron that is bubbling with witch persecution, strange superstitions, curious customs, and salacious notions of demonic pacts. A folk magic grimoire, of stones, bones, herbs, and healing threads with roots in the heart of a dark past.

Written by a storytelling-wise-woman, who gives voice to the accused witches through her visceral tales of the burning times. The book is in English, with some old Scots dialogue for authenticity, and includes a dictionary of the mither tongue for any sassenachs.


You can buy it on Amazon as a kindle, paperback and hardback copy Or you can buy a signed copy of my book and a hand stitched linen and red thread bookmark, including post and packaging is £15. Click on the button for this option and wait to be transported back to the burning times.

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"Seer and Spirit is a moving, original, and perfectly pitched performance about the witchcraft persecutions in Scotland. It balances hard truths with dignity and respect while combining dramatic power with distinctive artwork created in real-time. We were proud to premiere this in Scotland's Year of Stories. Here is a story that must be seen and heard".

(Donald Smith, Director, Scottish International Storytelling Festival)

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